Turkeys in the straw...or should that be in the hay?


This morning three macho Tom Turkeys strutted out of the woods into the field behind our yard and began fanning their tall feathers. Soon after, a coy, discerning female strolled into the field. After a bit of male feather flexing and posturing, the sweet damsel declared a winner while the losing suitors left the field. The whole drama lasted not more than ten minutes following which the possible mother-to-be strolled back into the woods. It’s that time of year, and, of course, the same story plays out with the chickadees, cardinals, and blue jays, but generally not with such a public display.

P.S. Want to know more about turkeys? Have a look at this: https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/my-life-as-a-turkey-introduction/7268/ (You might have to join PBS to view it in some areas.)

First bluebird arrived today...

Actually, the first bluebird ever in this house placed on the edge of our yard three years ago. I hope he approves of it and soon finds a mate to build their nest. I hope the house sparrows don’t try to evict the new family. I hope they return next year. After all, “hope is the thing with feathers.”

Male Bluebird.jpg